Inspiring and connecting  foster youth through science, art, culture and outdoor adventures

 Welcome to Fostering Science! 

We are a group of scientists passionate about science and young people. We strongly believe every kid deserves an opportunity to go to summer camp, and every kid should get a chance to learn how much fun science can be.  If you're in foster care and aged 10-18, we'd love to have you join us on our science adventure ! Our camps  are full of science, art, adventure, fun, and friendship. Most kids come back again and again.

All our camps ...

You can sign up for all camps via this website.  Click HERE for BNZ camp and HERE for Denali camp 2024 sign-ups.

1) Bonanza Creek Science Adventure Camp 

This camp took place on Monday June 17 -  Friday, June 21.

Find the 2024 version of the Bonanza Creek Camp Song, written by Chloé Eklof and the 2024 campers and sung by Chloé , here. You can find the words here

2) Denali Science Adventure Camp

Monday, July 22- Thursday, July 25, 2024, with gear-check the weekend before. 

Ready to kick it up a notch? This overnight camp is for youth 12 and older who have participated in one of our Bonanza Creek camps in a previous year. We will spend 4 days (3 nights) in Denali National Park and Preserve, camping at a road-accessible campground.

Staff include professional scientists and Park rangers.

Find out more by learning about last year's camp or previous years' camps.

This camp is currently full. 

3) Bonanza Creek Leaders in Training (BNZ - LIT)

Ready to take on a new role? This program is for youth 15-17 who have participated in at least one of our camps in a previous year and are ready to lead. You'll develop new activities that you will lead at the BNZ camp, participate in career exploration, and practice basic job skills in a fun and supportive atmosphere.

This camp took place the first 2 weeks of June 2024. Pictures will be posted shortly.

Check out what we did last year here.