Educational Technology Tools

UAA Core Tools are technology tools for teaching, learning, and productivity which are supported by the UAA Technical Support Center (786-4646), and can be used by all UAA faculty, staff, and students at no cost.  

Many of our tools are changing: Blackboard, Zoom, Kaltura, VoiceThread, and Google Jamboard! I have hightlighted key technology tools below and provided detailed information about Blackboard Learn on the Home page.

Student Engagement Tools

When looking for technology tools for student engagement, start with  UAA core tools. There are many options available through UAA’s Microsoft and Google and Zoom subscriptions! 

UAA Core tools with "real-time" engagement 

The Collaborative Tools listed below allow you to log in with your UAA login  (look for the option to log in with Google or Microsoft)  

Google Jamboard Transition to Figjam

Google Jamboard app is winding down.  Starting on October 1, 2024 the Jamboard app will become view-only. You’ll no longer be able to create new or edit existing Jams on any platform.

Google is working with Figjam by Figma, Lucidspark by Lucid software, and the visual workspace Miro to provide whiteboarding capabilities that cater to students and educators. FigJam by Figma is available to educational institutions at no cost. Log in with Google using your account. From the pricing page, under Professional, click "free for students and educators" and then fill out the form.


Online Meetings at UAA

At UAA, the primary web conferencing meeting and teaching tool is Zoom. Google Meet and Microsoft Teams provide additional options. UAA faculty, staff, and students are provided Pro Zoom accounts.  Learn about NEW Zoom Workplace >>>

NEW Zoom Workplace

Zoom: Go to and download the newest version of Zoom called “Zoom Workplace desktop app.” After it downloads, install it! Sign in with SSO, authenticate, and try it out. 

Some of the meeting updates include:

Record a Fancy Face Video in Zoom

The best way to set up Zoom in Blackboard Original

Kaltura Media

Kaltura is UAA’s media streaming solution. You can think of Kaltura as UAA’s YouTube-like platform. It makes storing, editing, and sharing videos (and audio files) to Blackboard easy. After logging in to Blackboard, click Tools to find Kaltura My Media. UAA faculty, staff, and students can use Kaltura.


VoiceThread is an asynchronous engagement tool for presentations and collaboration with your students. You can think of VoiceThread as a multimedia learning platform. It allows for video, audio, and text comments to slides and works well for interactive lectures, student presentations, and more. VoiceThread is integrated into Blackboard and can be connected to the Grade Center as an assignment.  

Photo by Tara Winstead:

Generative AI Resources 

It is important to discuss generative AI with your students. Here are some resources.


The University of Alaska uses Google for basic office communication. Google Workspace includes many useful tools for productivity including Mail, Calendar, Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms, Meet, Keep (Notes), YouTube, Google Earth and more.  

Find more Microsoft training videos on LinkedIn Learning


UAA provides Microsoft products free for faculty, staff, and students. Microsoft Office 365 includes  Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, OneDrive, Teams, and more. You can install the full version of Microsoft Office on up to 5 computers at no cost. 


ScreenPal (formerly Screencast-o-Matic) is a tool for making a video screencast (your voice and screen). The free version of  ScreenPal is perfect for student use (log in with UAA Google credentials or don't create an account at all). Review the tutorials provided by ScreenPal.

Once you have recorded the screencast video and saved the MP4 file to your computer, you have several options for sharing it: Kaltura, YouTube, Google Drive, etc. Videos provided to students must be accurately captioned;  Kaltura and YouTube auto-caption videos, but you will need to check the captions for accuracy.

UAA pays for a pro version for faculty which allows videos longer than 15 minutes and some editing features. See my ScreenPal guide for faculty and staff.


Flip (formerly called Flipgrid) is a free video discussion tool from Microsoft and a great alternative to Blackboard's discussion board. Log into Flip using the Microsoft or Google option and your email account.

Review the video on the left and find more Flip help online. Note, when you share a topic, anyone with a link can join (which makes it easy to set up for a class without having to add individuals).


Foxit PDF Editor

Foxit PDF Editor can be used to make PDF files more accessible (check/fix accessibility errors and convert scanned PDFs to text), export PDF files to MS Word for editing, combine a variety of files into one file, create fillable forms, and more. 



Qualtrics or Google Forms work great for collecting information from students, community partners, etc. 


eWolf ePortfolio

An eWolf ePortfolio is a space where students, faculty or staff can collect and curate a collection of digital artifacts geared towards a particular purpose and audience. Learn more about eportfolios at UAA

Tips for Selecting Technology Tools for Teaching 

When selecting technology tools to facilitate learning, it is important to consider your learning outcomes, your students, support, costs, interaction, accessibility, privacy, and more. See the Teaching with Technology guide from Pivot for more information.

“Digital Pedagogy is precisely not about using digital technologies for teaching and, rather, about approaching those tools from a critical pedagogical perspective. So, it is as much about using digital tools thoughtfully as it is about deciding when not to use digital tools, and about paying attention to the impact of digital tools on learning.” 

Rubric for eLearning Tool Evaluation has been designed for instructors and staff as a formative tool to evaluate eLearning tools in higher education (Educause)

Rubric for eLearning Tool Evaluation by Lauren M. Anstey & Gavan P.L. Watson, copyright 2018 Centre for Teaching and Learning, Western University is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License,