ASUAF Code of Ethics

As a student leader, you're expected to uphold a standard of behavior befitting your position. To that end, ASUAF asks appointed and elected officials to pledge to uphold the ASUAF Code of Ethics.

The ASUAF Code of Ethics sets baseline expectations for your behavior while your are in the ASUAF Office and/or acting in your official capacity as an ASUAF official. The ASUAF Code of Ethics was adopted in the spring of 2018 to aid in growing a culture of respect and inclusivity in ASUAF.

The ASUAF Code of Ethics draws from a number of documents, policies and laws that already apply to UAF students. Among these are federal civil rights law, Board of Regents policy, the Student Code of Conduct and ASUAF governing documents such as the constitution and bylaws.

Statement of Purpose

We, the members and officers of the Association of Students of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, do hereby pledge ourselves to this Code of Ethics. Service as an elected or appointed officer is both a privilege and a responsibility and as such those who hold office are held to a higher standard. We intend to lead by serving the interests, needs, and wants of our fellow students, by maintaining a superior level of conduct that enables us to claim the mantle as effective, trustworthy leaders, and by pledging ourselves to accountability in that which is reasonable, upright, and productive in the execution of our duties.

Standards of Conduct

  • ASUAF officials shall always put first the interests of the students and shall act to promote the public good, avoiding actions for personal gain.

  • ASUAF officials shall always demonstrate proper professional conduct when acting in the capacity of their position.

  • ASUAF officials shall, under all circumstances, demonstrate proper professional conduct with UA staff and faculty.

  • ASUAF officials shall not discriminate against any student or student group on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship, age, sex, physical or mental disability, status as a protected veteran, marital status, changes in marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, parenthood, sexual orientation, gender identity, political affiliation or belief, genetic information, or other legally protected status.

  • ASUAF officials shall adhere to and uphold the Student Code of Conduct, ASUAF Constitution, ASUAF bylaws, and rules of procedure.

  • ASUAF officials are to employ proper parliamentary etiquette while in meeting sessions, such as attentively listening to whoever is speaking, respecting opposing positions, and avoiding personal comments that are not germane to the matter.

  • No ASUAF official shall receive special privileges or exemptions for themselves or others that might reasonably tend to influence them in the discharge of their official duties.

  • No ASUAF official shall use their official position to solicit special privileges or exemptions for themselves or others that might reasonably tend to influence them in the discharge of their official duties.

  • No ASUAF official shall grant any special consideration, treatment or advantage to any student, individual, student organization or group beyond that which is normally available to every other student, individual, student organization or group.

  • No ASUAF official shall knowingly perform or refuse to perform any act to deliberately obstruct the execution of ASUAF policy, rules or regulations, or programs.

  • No ASUAF official shall use their situational or constitutionally provided power or influence to force or coerce other individuals or officers to act against their will, conscience, or the regulations of ASUAF.

Upholding a high ethical standard is everyone's responsibility. Be aware of your own words and actions and hold your fellow ASUAF officials accountable for their words and actions. Consult with the president, Rules Committee chair or advisor if you feel someone has violated the Code of Ethics and you're unsure what to do.