Teachers and Staff Features

Seguin High Teachers and Staff

Principal Linson-

Coach Julius Lewis(By Alan Rogers)-

  Coach Julius Lewis has been working at Seguin High School since August of 2023 and teaches world geography, while synchronously coaching football. Since starting his job here, he stated that it has been an eye-opener for being on the other side of education, and says that life has gotten more real for him since leaving college. 

  He started his career working at Seguin because he needed money, and when asked why he chose to teach the subjects he did, he responded, “I didn’t, they made me.” Nonetheless, for the next few years, he does not plan on changing jobs, unless given the opportunity to teach avid.

  In the future, he looks forward to being alive and would make it his goal to live in a suburban area with a white picket fence, three kids, two dogs, and a parakeet. He outlines himself as laid back, but very get to the point, and that other people would describe him similarly, as “a jokester, and a serious person.” 

  What is most important to him is his peace of mind and family, and what motivates him is the undesirability of being unsuccessful. His goals for the future are his New Year's resolutions, which he has not made, but has said that “when I do, probably that.” Additionally, he would like all of his students to hear that "Even if you’re not good at school, you can still be successful in your life.".