Professional Development Application

Professional Learning and Review 


AIS has a strong Professional Learning Culture which invests in high-quality school-based targeted internal and external professional development opportunities to enhance professional capital and organisational learning. Professional learning is aligned with the school strategic plan and Core Learning Principles to ensure collective responsibility towards improving the learning outcomes of all students.


All staff at AIS have a shared vision in a culture of continuous learning and are engaged in supporting the school’s vision of high quality teaching and learning in order to provide the best possible education to our students. 

External Professional Development may be applied for by individuals to attend conferences, workshops and courses and is determined through an application process. Approval is determined by the relevant Head of School and the Academic Strategy Team who prioritise approvals based on budget requirements and the following criteria:

Staff attending school-funded External Professional Development, will be required to present their learning and key take-aways during the following term’s Professional Learning Series or at a time suitable for the relevant sub-school.