Elementary School 

Spelling & Word Inquiry with Fiona Hamilton

Wednesday 14th February 2024

7.45am - 8.30am

Year 5 Collaborative Meeting

Attendees: All the Y5 Teaching Team, PYPC

Location: C307

Logistics:  Single Subject Teachers will be in Homerooms to mark attendance and supervise - JP will inform you of the specific details

8.30am - 9.00am


9.00am - 9.45am

Parent Spelling Workshop

Attendees:  Emma, PYPCs

Location: Coral Dixon

10.00am - 10.40am

Y3 Word Warrior

Attendees: Regina, Holly

Location: Y3 Workroom

10.50am - 11.20am

Prep Word Warrior

Attendees: Gemma

Location: Wombat Workroom

11.20am - 12.10pm


12.10pm - 1.40pm

Year 4 Collaborative Meeting

Observe - Discuss - Do in 4O

Attendees: All the Y4 Teaching Team, Trudy, PYPC

Location: P5:4O &  P6: C207

Logistics: Students will remain in their Homeroom class  for their Chinese lesson in Period 5

1.40pm - 2.00pm


2.00pm - 3.20pm

Year 3 Collaborative Meeting

Observe - Discuss - Do in 3S

Attendees: All the Y3 Teaching Team, Terry, PYPC

Location: P7:3S &  P8: C102

Logistics: Students will remain in their Homeroom class  for their Chinese lesson in Period 7