Term 1 

Professional Development Day

Friday 8th March 2024

8.00am - 10.00am

Whole School Connection

Attendees:  All Academic and Operations Employees

Location: Big Gym

Whole School Launch

Attendees:  All Academic and Operations Employees

Location: Big Gym

Details: Updates & Safeguarding

Keynote Speaker: 

Dr Simon Camby  - Chief Education Officer

 The Cognita Quality Framework

In-School Variation

Attendees:  All Academic and Operations Employees

Location: Big Gym

10.00am - 10.30am


10.30am - 12.00pm

Keynote Speaker: 

Tracey Ezard 

Authentic Dialogue

Attendees:  All Academic and Operations Employees

Location: Big Gym

Details: Please bring a mobile device, pen and paper for note-taking



1.00pm - 2.30pm

Early Years

Academic Wellbeing Support (AWeS)

Self-Regulation in the Early Years

Attendees: EY Employees

Location: Hive

Details: Session inclusive of sub-school determined break


Multilingual Learners Carousel

Attendees: ES Employees

Location: Y5 Pod

Details: please click here for the Carousel Workshop groups and location


*Click above for resource link

Attendees: SS Employees

Location: LRC

Details: Session inclusive of sub-school determined break

1.00pm - 2.30pm


EduTrust Requirements and Action (Improvement Plans)

Attendees: All Operations Employees

Location:  Individual Operations Functions

Details:  Each Operations Function will work on their own, led by their respective Head of Function 

Session inclusive of Function determined break

2.30pm - 4.00pm

Early Years

Self-Regulation in the Early Years

Attendees: EY Employees

Location: Hive

Details: Session inclusive of sub-school determined break


Multilingual Learners Jigsaw

Attendees: ES Employees

Location: Y5 Pod

Details: please click here for the Jigsaw Workshop groups and location


Middle Leaders Meeting

Vision & ES Improvement Plan

Attendees: All Middle Leaders, Emma

Location: Y4 Pod


Multilingual Learners Carousel -  Reading

Attendees: SS Employees

Location: Year 9 POD (A2)

Details: Session inclusive of sub-school determined break

*Please bring a phone and pen.

2.30pm - 4.00pm


EduTrust Requirements and Action (Improvement Plans)

Attendees: All Operations Employees

Location:  Individual Operations Functions

Details:  Each Operations Function will work on their own, led by their respective Head of Function


Whole School Celebration

Attendees: All Employees

Location: Main Canteen

Details: opportunity to socialise and meet your colleagues over music, food and beverages