AIMS Women in STEM 

AIMSWIS Webinar Series

Amid the COVID-19, AIMS House of Science has launched a series of AIMS Women In STEM Mentoring and Networking webinars. The webinars aim to provide an enabling environment for women in mathematical sciences to share knowledge, challenges, and opportunities; and to empower each other.

AIMSWIS - Speakers/Role Model Bios 2020

Mentoring for Women Students


"This initiative was driven by the students themselves. I was really struck by the confidence and drive in the female students at AIMS. It is very inspiring. I hope that you will continue to use this forum for support and collaboration going forward. Welldone!"

"What I liked the most was hearing the perspective of all those young women and realizing that women in Canada and Africa face similar challenges e.g work-life balance, confidence."

"The mentoring lunch was a great opportunity to meet successful women in science and also to strengthen relationships with women I met at previous mentoring events. The lunch succeeded in opening a communication channel between students and mentors that will be valuable in the future."

"I will use what I learnt to persue my career and encourage other women."

"I would like female from AIMS to have this kind of session more often because they are helpful."

Panel Discussion - National Women's Day (9.8.2017)


"I really wanted to know how others dealt with life after AIMS, because its my big challenge at that moment and I really appreciate the sharing of their life. Now it is somehow clear for me."

"I found this event to be quite informative and helpful especially with regard to the methods for seeking future opportunities."

"It was perfect. I think sharing personal life experiences should be something that should be done all the time- there is great insights in that."

"Speakers and panelists gave key points motivating other girls. Their experience they showed is very encouraging."

"I will never give up in front of any situation. I got an opportunity at AIMS and I have to share this experience to people."

Schools Roadshow - International Women's Week ()

Roadshow Muizenberg High School (6.3.2017)

Hidden Figures Screening and Discussion (10.3.2017)

South Africa's Women' Month Public Lecture: Prof Nox Makunga (8.3.2017)

Roadshow Masipumelele High School (27.3.2017)

2017 International Women's Day Campaign (date)