AICS Library Team

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Marion Sabrié, PhD

Teacher Librarian
Head of AICS Libraries

At AICS: Since 2019

Languages: French, English, Italian (Piacentino), Burmese, Greek, German, Swahili

Education: BA History, BA Burmese, PhD Geography

Experience: Teacher (University/High School), Researcher, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Hobbies: Reading (in original language), family time, pottery, hiking alone, camping, traveling.

Lived in: 6 countries (Nationality: French)

Favorite library section: World Languages, Graphic Novels, Tourism, workshop area (to meet students)

Something surprising: Long distance runner (53 km), vegan

Matthew Olson-Roy, PhD

Teacher Librarian

At AICS: Since 2020

Languages: English, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, French, Dutch, Luxembourgish, German, Finnish

Education: BA/MA/PhD U. of Washington (Scandinavian Lang.), MSt University of Oxford (Creative Writing)

Experience: Teacher (University), Localization Manager (Magic: The Gathering/Cranium), Translator/Researcher (CIA)

Hobbies: Writing, reading, travel, languages

Lived in: 5 countries (Nationality: Luxembourg & USA)

Favorite Library Section: Fiction, Folklore & Mythology

Something surprising: Placed second in Ice Dancing Nationals (Luxembourg)

Chris van der Steen

Library Assistant

At AICS: Since 2011

Languages: Dutch, English and German

Education: Bachelor Communication and Audio-Visual media

Experience: Actor (Theater), Film location manager, Municipality of Amsterdam

Hobbies: Writing, Reading, Films, Chess, Building and Gardening

Lived in: Germany and 7 cities and some little villages in the Netherlands 

Favorite library section: Realistic Fiction, Fantasy, Chess and the plants

Something surprising: I have 7 brothers and sisters

Despoina Foulatziklidou

Library Assistant

At AICS: Since 2021

Languages: Greek, English, Italian (un po’), Spanish (un poco)

Education: BA Library, Archives, and Information Science

Experience: Library assistant/Librarian

Hobbies: Reading, Baking, Cooking, Travelling, Chilling in the sun

Lived in: Greece, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands

Favorite library section:   Fiction, Non - Fiction - Essays, Translated Lit.  

Something surprising:     Started performing as a traditional Greek dancer at the age 4

Fani Giannakopolou

Library Assistant

At AICS: Since 2022

Languages: English, Greek, French and un po' di italiano

Education: Graduate of the Department of Philosophy of Pedagogical Psychology, Bachelor and Master in Library Science, PhD Canditate in “Bibliotherapy and role of the Library and the Librarian”

Experience: Librarian, Archivist, Philologist, Pedagogist

Hobbies: Spending time with friends, Reading, Travelling, Volunteering

Lived in: Greece, Italy, The Netherlands

Favorite library section: Well-being books, Philosophy, Psychology, Children’s picture books

Something surprising: passionate actress and singer

Mikayla Vieira Ribeiro

Library Assistant

At AICS: Since 2023

Languages: English, Papiamentu, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese

Education: BA Black Studies & English, rMA Literature

Experience: Translator, Middle School English Teacher

Hobbies: Reading Creole Literatures, Capoeira, Hiking, Spoken Word

Lived in: Curaçao, USA, Colombia, Brazil, Netherlands

Favorite library section: Sci Fi, Poetry

Something surprising: Drag King Performer

Mousami Gupta

Library Assistant

At AICS: Since 2011

Languages: Hindi, English and Dutch

Education: Web-Engineer, Bachelor of Education, Masters in English Literature

Experience: Library Assistant at ISA School

Hobbies: Reading, Dancing, Playing and interacting with the kids.

Lived in: India and the Netherlands

Favorite library section: Cooking books, Dance books, Fantasy

Something surprising: Bollywood DJ