Parent Volunteers: Our parents play a vital role in the library's efforts to serve such a large community. If you are a parent of a student at AICS, and you're available during a fixed time each week to help in the library, please contact us to let us know! Our parents help with many tasks, including:

NEW! Adopt-a-shelf: Parents who would like to help but can't come each week can still support the library by adopting a library shelf. The adopt-a-shelf program matches parents with a specific shelf in the library. If you come early to pick up your child, for example, you can spend a few minutes checking the shelf that you have adopted to make sure that all of the books are in the right order. When a shelf is organized, it is much easier for us to identify resources that teachers and classes need to support their learning. Interested? Contact us to find out more! We'd be happy to help you adopt a shelf with a topic that matches your interests. Parents can also suggest new resources, which is particularly helpful for our World Languages collection.