Tamara Cummings

An introduction of tamara

Tamara F Cummings is adjunct Faculty of Economics at the Riverside County Community College District. For years, she delights in sharing, informing, and facilitating conversations about and learning the disciplines of Macroeconomics, Microeconomics and Environmental Economics, in person, in a hybrid learning environment or online. She teaches, instructs, and mentors students of various cultural, ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds.

She augments college economics instruction with business consulting. In 2016, she opened Endurance & Team Care Partners, a micro-, minority-, and woman-based consulting firm to support small and start-up companies. She successfully supports clients with grant research, grant writing, operations management, bookkeeping, product distribution development, inventory management and revenue cycle management.

Tamara Cummings has served in positions of senior and executive leadership in non-profit organizations, and private corporations. She remains actively involved in the successes of AHIE. She is engaged with caregiving for veterans of the armed forces, and with MVUSD’s parent advisory council in a volunteer capacity.

At the heart of her personal and professional success is family and education. Tamara Cummings completed her Master of Arts in Economics at the University of Oklahoma, her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at California State University San Marcos. She lives by the adage “to live is to learn” and pursues educational interests through Florida State University at Tallahassee, Georgia Southwestern University, UC Irvine where she received certificates in areas of entrepreneurship and caregiving.