
 An excellent new text for educators and psychologists published in 2024 - 

Giftedness and Talent

What Educators and Psychologists Need to Know

by Franzis Preckel, Miriam Vock, Paula Olszewski-Kubilius

Katrina Ginis, Sandra Stewart, Leonie Kronborg (2023). 

Gender and Artistic Creativity: The Perspectives and Experiences of Eminent Female Visual Artists. The Journal of Creative Behavior. 57, 4: 622-649. (open access)

Cornejo-Araya, C., & Kronborg, L.(2021) Inspirational Teachers' Model: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study in Gifted Education. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 44,3,1-27.

Ginis, K.,Stewart, S.E., Kronborg, L. (2022). Inter-Relationships Between Artistic Creativity and Mental and Physical Illness in Eminent Female Visual Artists: A Qualitative Exploration. Journal of Creative Behavior. pp.1-18. Open Access.

Gomez-Arízaga, M.P., Navarro, M., Martin, A., Roa-Tampe, K., Conejeros-Solar, M.L., Kronborg, L., Valdivia-Lefort, M., Castillo-Hermosilla, H., Rivera-Lino, B., (2020) Socio-emotional Dimensions in Gifted Chilean High School Students with Interests in STEM: Influence of Gender and University Enrichment Program Participation. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2020, 16(12), em1929 ISSN:1305-8223 (online) OPEN ACCESS Research Paper

Hill, A. &Madigan, D. (2022). Perfectionism, mattering, stress, and self-regulation of home learning of UK gifted and talented students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Gifted and Talented International.

Kronborg, L. (2022) Passionate and opportune engagement to accomplish or achieve in talent domains leading to female eminence. Gifted and Talented International. 1-14.

Kronborg, L., & Cornejo-Araya, C. A. (2018). Gifted educational provisions for gifted and highly able students in Victorian schools, Australia. Universitas Psychologica, 17(5), 1-14.

Kronborg, L. & Henshon, S.E.(2021) Focusing on the Future: An Interview With Leonie Kronborg. Roeper Review, 43:4, 223-226, Open Access.

Matheis, S., Keller, L., Kronborg, L., Schmitt, M., & Preckel, F., (2019) Do Stereotypes Strike Twice? Giftedness and Gender Stereotypes in Teachers' Beliefs About Students' Characteristics in Australia. Asia Pacific Journal of Teacher Education.

Matheis, S., Kronborg, L., Schmitt, M., & Preckel, F., (2018) Threat or Challenge? Teachers' Beliefs About Gifted Students and Their Relationship to Teacher Motivation. Gifted and Talented International.