Purpose and Aims of AGATEVic

Association for Gifted and Talented Education Victoria

Affiliated with the Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented (AAEGT)

Affiliated with the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC)


  • To realise the gifted potential of students in Victoria and enable their talent development


  • To develop a professional association in Victoria that has academic, teacher and psychological expertise in gifted education and talent development to advocate for gifted students
  • To provide a professional association for teachers and psychologists with an interest in gifted children and their education that aims to provide for their intellectual, creative, social and emotional needs.
  • To raise the awareness in the educational community of the research evidence that underpins gifted education, creativity and talent development
  • To develop teachers’ knowledge and understanding of gifted children and best educational practice in regard to high ability grouping, acceleration, instructional strategies, differentiated curriculum, and inquiry learning
  • To raise awareness and knowledge amongst teachers and parents of the needs of gifted students diagnosed on the autism spectrum and appropriate teaching strategies for their talent development
  • To develop educational policies for gifted children
  • To develop educational programs for gifted students
  • To lobby key stakeholders in Victoria including politicians, universities, schools
  • To facilitate research around gifted children, adolescents and adults in Victoria
  • To develop partnerships both within and outside Australia to further these aims
  • To encourage and support professional learning for teachers of gifted and highly able students