Teaching Tips

Some basic teaching tips for those who are just starting out coaching/instructing/teaching Footy!

  1. Always do a safety search of the field/area you are using. Look for any hazards that can cause injuries.
  2. Always use a whistle, this will save your voice when trying to stop a drill or gather the group.
  3. Always use a watch - there's nothing worse than not fitting your planned lesson in because you lose track of time.
  4. When talking to a group:
    • Make sure the class isn't facing the sun.
    • Make sure the class isn't facing something distracting behind you.
    • Make sure their footys/other equipment are on the ground or out of their hands.
  5. Be organised when setting up drills and games, less down time means more time for activities.
  6. Engagement is the best form of classroom management - if the students are engaged in the activity there won't be behaviour issues.
    • An example is, make sure inclusion is a priority. If all kids are involved in a game or skill drill there won't be any issues. But distractions can happen if kids are sitting out.