
Stage of Long Term Athlete Development Pathway = FUNdamentals


Auskick is an AFL Canada sanctioned, outside of school program that kids and parents can attend to learn more about Footy!

The Objective of the Auskick program is to run Auskickers through a comprehensive 6 week Footy curriculum based on learning the skills of the game and general gameplay.

Use the quick links bellow to find specific information on Auskick or use the End to End guide to gather all the information you'll need.

Why should my club run an Auskick centre?

    • To become more involved and engrained in your local community:
      • More parents, schools and Uni students are potentially becoming aware of your club.
    • As an additional revenue stream for you club:
      • Each Auskicker pays to be a part of this program, the majority of that fee goes back to your club.
    • To build a junior base of support:
      • Taking a long term view on the sustainability of your club - could these kids be playing in 5-10 years?
    • Coaching experience and professional development for younger people involved in your club.
    • To get Canadian kids ACTIVE and continue spreading the great game of Footy!

Looking for information on a specific part of Auskick - use these quick links:

Otherwise, End to End info on how to run an Auskick Centre is listed in the links below: