Auskick Instructors

Who runs the Auskick sessions?


  • The Auskick sessions will be run after traditional work hours, which provides better opportunities for volunteers from your club.
  • University students looking for volunteer hours . Certificates/reference letters can be organised.
    • Particularly related fields like education and kinesiology.
  • One method clubs have used to garner volunteers internally is subsidising player fees for their Auskick instructors.
  • This is the most sustainable way of running the program and helps embed the club further in the community.

Canada summer jobs (CSJ) Program

  • Funding opportunity from the National Government - more information here.
  • Applications are generally open around February-March each year.
  • Funding provides 8 weeks worth of wages for eligible University students.
  • The funding allows these students to work in specific geographic areas (constituencies) within your city.
  • These constituencies have specific priorities that they are aiming to improve (ie, not for profit organisations) that you would include in your application.
  • Your club needs a CRA business number to apply.

Canada Summer Job Success Stories:

    • Calgary Kangaroos AFC have utilised the the Canada Summer Jobs funding extensively over the last 4-5 years.
    • This has allowed Calgary to hire up to 8-10 youth to run in school footy session throughout Calgary each year.
      • In 2019 they saw 20,000 kids!
    • These CSJ applications and subsequent youth hires have allowed Calgary Kangaroos to run 11 Auskick centres all over Calgary in 2020 and have 200+ kids register!

Instructor training

  • There are multiple resources to help train and develop your instructors or coaches.
  • Instructors can be registered to complete their AFL Level 1 coaching accreditation - email to register
  • Lesson plans for Auskick can be found here.
  • Teaching/Coaching tips for new instructors can be found here.
  • However the most effective training method for instructors is to watch an experienced coach run a session and have them there for their first session in charge.