Intent: Through maths, our pupils will experience a range of opportunities to build their mathematical knowledge and develop critical thinking skills through rich tasks and experience of the wider world. Reasoning at each stage of the mathematical model will enable all children to articulate their learning.

Implementation: Using the Mastery Flow Model, pupils will develop their initial understanding and reasoning skills using concrete and pictorial images of concepts to become fluent. Pupils will then apply their understanding to the reasoning and problem solving part of the model which is called Deepen.

Impact: Pupils will leave our schools numerate with the ability to reason mathematically and apply their knowledge to an unfamiliar context with well developed critical thinking skills. Our pupils will have high aspirations and value maths in everyday contexts and see maths as an integral part of life in the wider world.

Maths Handbook 22/23

Document Library

Maths Curriculum overview
EYFS Maths

EYFS Maths at Percy

Percy Mathematics Curriculum Content and Sequencing.xlsx

Content and Sequencing - Maths

Percy Primary progression map

Primary Progression in Maths

Updated December 2022