PSHE Consultation
The Consultation Process
Since September 2020, it has been a statutory requirement that all schools in England and Wales are teaching Relationships, Sex and Health Education as a fundamental part of the curriculum. As part of implementing the RSHE curriculum, schools must have consulted with pupils, parents, staff and governors to ensure there is a general consensus on our approaches to policy and the curriculum content.
Where are we at in the process?
The consultation is now closed. Thank you to all parents/ carers who contributed their feedback. All materials that were presented at the virtual meetings can be found below. The new RSHE curriculum will be running from September 2021.
The RSHE Policies - there are two versions, one of which has been tailored for pupils with SEND.
The PSHE Curriculum Overview- please note, the E-Safety strands are taught using an additional scheme of work. There is a link to this below.
Feedback has been sought from the community representatives, the governors, the staff, the pupils and the parents.
As part of the process, it was important for the school to liaise closely with representatives from the community. This included:
Imam Mohammed Asad - Birmingham Central Mosque
Rotimi Benjamin - Pastor at the Jericho Foundation
Razia Butt (MBE) - Independent Adviser for Education and Children’s Services
Faisel Hamood - Principal of Amanah Arabic Schools
Shabrana Hussain - Councillor for Sparkbrook and Balsall Heath
The outcomes can be found below.
Community and Governor Outcomes
A consult was held in person with the community representatives and members of the Governing Body. The minutes of the meeting are attached to highlight the discussions which took place and actions as a result.
Staff Outcomes
Staff completed a virtual questionnaire. The questions posed and a selection of the responses are detailed here, as well as a summary of the actions as a result of the feedback.
Pupil Outcomes
Pupils engaged in small group discussions as part of the consultation. The questions posed and a selection of the responses are detailed here, as well as a summary of the actions as a result of the feedback.
Parent Outcomes
Parents/ carers took part in virtual meetings and fedback via a virtual form. A summary of some of the views can be found here, as well as planned actions.