Sports Premium

What is the Sports Premium Grant?

The Government in England has provided additional funding of over £150 million per annum since 2013/14 to improve PE and school sport in primary schools. From September 2017, the funding will be doubled to enable primary schools to make further improvements to the quality and breadth of the PE and sport they offer. This funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport. The sport funding can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools. 

Percy Shurmer Academy provides a wide variety of physical activities for pupils, both during the school day and through extra-curricular clubs. Clubs are run for all year groups in KS1 and KS2. Through sport and other physical activities, they learn to increase their body control, coordination, dexterity, fitness and skill levels in a wide range of sports. Pupils also learn about their responsibilities both as individuals and members of teams. They learn to cooperate and to compete fairly.

The objectives of the Primary PE and Sport Premium funding are:

What is our aim?

Percy Shurmer will receive £9,776.00 per annum for the next 3 years. Our aim is to ensure that PE teaching at Percy Shurmer Academy is consistently outstanding and that all of our children are involved in a range of sporting activities delivered through PE, extra-curricular clubs, inter and intra school competitions and involvement with external associations and clubs. Sport is a powerful tool for improving life skills such as behaviour, co-operation and gaining a sense of fair play; these are all skills needed for our children to become responsible citizens. Our children take great pride when representing the school; it is also our aim to continue to provide the opportunities where they can develop this pride alongside a sense of identity and belonging. Our aim is to provide opportunities, encourage participation and celebrate our pupils’ sporting achievements. 


How have we used the Sports Premium Grant?

Over the last academic year, the Sports Premium Grant has enabled us to develop our sports provision in a number of ways:

Percy Sports Premium 2023 - 2024

2023/2024 Sports Premium 

2022/2023 Sports Premium

Sports Premium 2021_2022.docx

2021/2022 Sports Premium

Previous Years Sports Premium 

What have we planned for 2017-18?

We are committed to ensuring that all our pupils have the opportunity to develop skills and fitness in both competitive and non-competitive sports. To achieve this goal over the next twelve months, we will continue to ensure that children have a minimum of 2 hours high quality physical activity a week through PE lessons and extra-curricular opportunities.

We will also:

What have we planned for 2019-20?

We are committed to ensuring that all our pupils have the opportunity to develop skills and fitness in both competitive and non-competitive sports as well as increase knowledge of health and wellbeing. To achieve this goal over the next two years, we will continue to:

Ensure that children have a minimum of 2 hours of high quality physical activity a week through PE lessons and extra-curricular opportunities.

1. Continue with the training and support to the class teachers in all aspects of PE as well as using PE to have a wider impact on whole school improvement with new initiatives such as our Media team and sports council.

2. Continue to support and engage less active children through C4L clubs offering more pupils more opportunities to be active with the addition of a KS1 club and also delivering C4L clubs during breakfast and lunch time clubs.

3. Continue to run and enter a range of sporting competitions, increasing pupils’ participation in the School Games as well as identifying nurturing and developing talent.

4. Purchase new and maintain current equipment to maximise the opportunity and progression of our students in PE and sport enabling us to offer a wider range of sports with age appropriate specialist equipment.

5. Continue to offer all pupils the opportunity to access a wide range of after- school sports clubs with the addition of self-defence and dance classes as well as developing out Play Leader program.

6. Promote and support health and wellbeing to our pupils and the wider community, creating a greater awareness of factors that undermine our pupils’ health.

7. We aim to support parents with healthier lifestyles by implementing various strategies which include publishing documents on our website, offering opportunities to participate in exercise during school hours, by beginning a healthy cooking club with the aid of the kitchen staff and by running parent workshops to highlight how a healthier lifestyle can be achieved.

8. Continue to strengthen our relationships with sporting organisations such as local sports clubs and other schools.

9. Collaborate with our partnership school, Percy Shurmer Academy, to facilitate inter-competitive sports and provide extra opportunities for participation through holiday clubs.

10. Increase our leadership opportunities creating a system where younger pupils are trained by older pupils to become young leaders, ultimately promoting and increasing sports participation.

11. We have achieved the School Games Gold Kitemark for 4 years consecutively, this year we aim to achieve platinum and continue to improve our sporting reputation.

Sports Premium 2021/2022

Sports Premium 2020/2021

2018/2019 Sports Premium Expenditure

Sports Premium Expenditure Archive

Sports Premium Expenditure 2017 - 2018.pdf