
Our academy science curriculum follows the National Curriculum expectations, planned into a mastery flow model of: representation, fluency, probing questions (stretch), further extension (deepen) and rich tasks (enrich). The Schemes of Learning cover all expected outcomes and enable each aspect of science to be taught in-depth. The aim of our curriculum is to create future scientists: science-minded, curious learners, who have a strong foundation in practical and research-based science. We encourage critical thinking in all of our pupils.

Teaching Overview

Science is delivered through a programme of well-structured, differentiated lesson flows which are adapted by staff to meet the needs of all pupils. By the end of each unit, all relevant objectives of the National Curriculum will have been taught and assessed. Working scientifically is incorporated into each unit, as the children focus on a particular area each term (i.e. identifying and classifying, observing closely, planning and carrying out simple tests, asking questions, collecting and analysing data and evaluation). Training is delivered to staff each term through an ongoing programme of CPD and additional training is provided for new members of staff and newly qualified teachers.


Each term a new unit is taught. Planning and all support materials can be found on the school drive as well as on the academy chain website (#OneAET Curriculum Community). Risk assessments are carried out by teachers, whilst planning, and taught explicitly during lessons.


Evidence of the mastery flow model is recorded in science exercise books, using the relevant templates. Work in books may be in the form of: photographs, QR code links, scientific diagrams, sorting and matching tasks, tables and graphs, as well as written scientific explanations, depending on the activity. Scaffolded or supported work is provided as necessary.


Each term a unit pre-assessment and post-assessment task is completed to assess learning. This will take the form of a quick quiz. This enables teachers to identify misconceptions and any learning needs within the class. The post assessment task demonstrates progress toward the National Curriculum outcome expectations and identifies any need for additional teaching to ensure there are no gaps in learning.

Classroom Environment

Science vocabulary, related to the Scheme of Learning unit being taught, is displayed in each classroom, and referenced in lessons and planning. Opportunities for critical thinking are displayed to challenge pupils’ ideas about scientific concepts. Posters relaying the scientific knowledge and skills being taught are also displayed.


Resources are kept centrally. They are shared across the year group and need to be taken care of and returned in a tidy condition to the correct place, as soon as a lesson is completed.

Further support

Support with anything related to science teaching and learning is available from the Science Lead. Alternatively, staff can seek advice from a member of the curriculum team.

Through our science curriculum we offer a range of opportunities to explore and understand the world around us, gaining a secure knowledge of scientific concepts. Our curriculum is designed to engage all pupils and prepare them for future learning, encourage curiosity and questioning attitudes. In science we take pride in our pupils developing independence, confidence and resilience. We focus on building up extended specialist vocabulary, enabling pupils to articulate scientific concepts. We ensure pupils build an awareness of potential risks when investigating. We have designed a curriculum that asks pupils to be brave in their thinking, predicting, investigating and thus we nurture future scientists.

We do this through:

  • Teaching scientific ways of thinking.

  • Actively involving students in their own learning.

  • Helping students to develop a conceptual framework as well as to develop problem solving skills.

  • Promoting student discussion and group activities.

  • Helping students experience science in varied, interesting and enjoyable ways

Science in our academy

Science teaching in our academy is delivered through a 5 part mastery flow model:. Representation Fluency Stretch DeepenEnrich

The benefit of this is:

  • it allows an inclusive approach, where all children work at their own level

  • that teachers will work from carefully structured Schemes of Learning which inform them of prior and future learning

  • that children will be able to embed their knowledge and develop critical thinking skills, as they work through each flow from representation to rich tasks.

During the teaching there are built-in opportunities for continual knowledge and vocabulary assessment, ensuring misconceptions are addressed immediately.

Experiential learning is also built into each unit, enabling staff to assess scientific skills.

Science at Percy Shurmer 2022/23