Leadership Team

At Percy Shurmer the children have the opportunity to take an active role in leadership across the Academy

At Percy Shurmer, we recognise that our children are the leaders of the future and therefore provide a range of opportunities for children to develop their leadership skills. Children’s voice is valued and promoted – each academic year, our children are given a platform to express the views of their school to help shape its development. We encourage all of our pupils to embrace the wide range of opportunities available to them – and always seek to find new ways that we can further empower our pupils. This enables our children to develop as individuals, as a community and grow the school as a whole. 

We have developed a range of leadership opportunities for our children. For some of our leadership positions, children are elected by their peers through a democratic process. Others require children to apply for posts, often requiring an application and sometimes going through an interview process.

2022-2023 Leadership Roles

Junior Leadership/RRSA Team

The Children’s Leadership Team is an elected group of children who meet with school leaders to work on matters related to the school and the local community.

Play Leaders

Children across the school are invited to apply to be trained on running organised games at playtime and lunchtime led by Mr Gray. 

Media Reps 

Applications from Year 2 to Year 6 so that each class has a Media Representative. This group focuses on online safety and behaviour as well as new technology and applications. 

Reading Ambassadors

A new team for this year. This team will apply and will work to promote reading as well as managing a budget to replenish books based on children’s interests. They’ll also support wider reading initiatives, including our work with the newly formed book swop initiatives across the school. 

Eco Team

The children work on school-based and wider eco- initiatives including recycling and energy use and raising awareness of important environmental issues. 

Percy Press 

Children take responsibility to prepare, write and publish the weekly newsletter as well as having a wider remit for reporting on school events.