British Sign Language (BSL)


British Sign Language is the MFL studied at Percy Shurmer Academy

In line with the 2014 National Curriculum for Modern Foreign Languages, our BSL curriculum aims to ensure that all children:

  • Understand (receptive) and respond (expressive) sign language from a variety of authentic sources.

  • Are able to communicate with increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity, finding ways of communicating what they want to say, including through discussion and asking questions, and that they are continually improving the accuracy of their handshapes and facial expression.

  • Use the grammatical structures of BSL

  • Discover and develop an appreciation of communicating in BSL.

We aim to foster children’s curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world whilst also equipping them with the skills and confidence to interact within it.

Children are introduced to BSL in EYFS, predominantly through songs and signed stories. They receive a weekly exposure to the language throughout their time in KS1 based around basic vocabulary areas. This enables the children to develop early language acquisition skills that facilitate their understanding of the patterns of language and how these differ from or are similar to English. This then progresses to conversational skills in KS2.

Each class has a timetabled BSL lesson per week.

Subject Links

Document Library

Year 1 & 2 BSL Slides Autumn B
Year 1 & 2 BSL Slides Spring A
Summer A - BSL KS2 20/21
BSL NC 2022_2023 .pdf
Year 1 & 2: BSL Slides Summer B
BSL Curriculum Map.pdf

Updated December 2022