Reception Transition

Welcome to Reception! 

Welcome  to Reception. Take a look through the slide show and the PDF for information about your child starting Reception.

Reception New Starters 2021
Transition from Nursery to Reception 2023 (7)
Starting school top tips

Here are some of our top tips of things you can be doing at home to prepare to your child for starting school. Click the Hungry Little Minds link for more ideas of fun things you can do at home! 

Story Time! 

Join Mrs Jones as she reads one of her favorite stories 'Oi Frog'. 

Join Mrs Watson as she reads one of her favorite stories 'Peace at Last' 

Join Mrs Charlton as she reads one of her favorite stories  'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. 

Join Miss Rowbotham as she reads one of her favorite stories the 'Three Billy Goats Gruff'.