Virtual Learning School

Accessing Virtual & Remote Learning...

Montgomery Primary Academy Classrooms
Access your online classrooms here:

AET Virtual Learning Quick Links

Access more virtual learning opportunities for your child here:

Information for Parents

We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects. Please click on the link below for full details.

Supporting you, our remarkable parents & carers

Working together to ensure every child is inspired to live a remarkable life!

We've listed below some quick links to helpful information. Created by educators and collected to support you during this time of remote learning.

Technical Support FAQ & Troubleshooting

We know this time is tough for parents and children. Use this link to access our quick guide to wellbeing with tips and advice.

Online Safety

See something you don't like use the CEOP report button to report it.

Let's keep in touch...


Montgomery Primary Academy
White Road,
B11 1EH

Telephone Number

0121 464 9115

Email Address

Quick Links

Access more information about virtual learning at Montgomery Primary Academy here:

Parent Guide to Google Classroom.pdf