A child has Special Educational Needs if he or she has learning or physical difficulties that require a  special educational provision to be made.


SEND Documentation

Birmingham Local Authority Local Offer

Details of the SEND services provide by the local authority can be found online at

Role of Parents and Pupils

Much effort is taken to promote close and constant collaboration with parents of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The insights and experiences of parents are essential in helping school understand and plan for their children’s needs. Parents are encouraged to take an active part in assisting their child, both by helping at home and by keeping school up-to-date on all progress made.

It is also our aim to involve pupils, when appropriate, when setting targets and reviewing progress made towards these identified targets; this is dependent upon age and maturity of the child. Through the involvement in their own provision, we aim to give pupils a sense of achievement, high self-esteem and a determination to reach their full potential. Their support is crucial to the success of educational programmes.

How we Identify Needs

At Montgomery Primary Academy we have adopted a whole-school approach to SEND policy and practice.

Teacher observation and assessment, class screening, monitoring and parental concerns are all vital in the identification of particular needs. Initial concerns are raised by use of the school’s internal referral strategy, which must be submitted electronically to the SENCo.

Issues are addressed and regular monitoring takes place and either the child’s needs are provided for by teacher intervention or the child progresses through to School Action and School Action Plus of the Code of Practice. The children’s progress is reviewed a minimum of twice yearly at the SEND Review Meetings.

In this way the school ensures that all children have access to an appropriate curriculum at all times in their school life.

A SEND register will be maintained including all children at every stage of the Code of Practice.

Parents first point of contact should always be your child's class teacher following this an appointment to discuss your child's individual needs should be made with the SENCo.

Parental concerns are addressed whenever they arise and are always given a high priority. With parental permission, additional screening procedures may be used for individual children and are performed or directed by a number of possible outside agencies including the following:

Montgomery Primary Academy also has good links with a number of other agencies that can support the inclusion of children with special educational needs.