Sports Premium

Background to the Sports Premium Grant

The Government in England has provided additional funding of over £150 million per annum since 2013/14 to improve PE and school sport in primary schools. From September 2017, the funding will be doubled to enable primary schools to make further improvements to the quality and breadth of the PE and sport they offer. This cross-government funding is provided by the Department for Education, with contributions from the Department of Health and the Department of Culture, Media and Sport.


All pupils should leave primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.


The objective is to achieve self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport in primary schools.

1. To improve the quality of PE and sports provision for all current and future pupils.

2. To increase participation levels in competitive sport and healthy activity of pupils.

3. For schools to understand and value the benefit of high quality PE and sport.

4. To increase the quality of initial teacher training in PE and sport.

Indicators of such improvement will include:

· The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity kick-starting healthy active lifestyles

· The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

· Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport

· Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils

· Increased participation in competitive sport

Our Aims and Objectives

The new increase to the Sport Premium funding means this year Montgomery Primary Academy will receive around £21,240. Our aim is to ensure that PE teaching at Montgomery Primary Academy is outstanding; that all of our children are involved in a range of sports activities within PE, extra-curricular clubs, competitions and external associations/clubs. Sport is a powerful tool for improving life skills such as behaviour, co-operation and gaining a sense of fair play. Our children also take great pride whenever they represent the school, and we wish to continue to develop this sense of identity and celebrate our pupils’ sporting achievements. We aim for all our pupils to become physically literate, equipping them with the Knowledge, Skills and motivation to lead a healthier lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.

In order to achieve our aims we will:

● Ensure that all our pupils have a minimum of 2 hours of high quality physical activity a week through PE lessons and extra-curricular activities

● Provide a wide range of daily extra-curricular opportunities through breakfast clubs and lunchtimes with an Intra school sports competition.

● Train and support class teachers regarding all aspects of PE.

● Support and engage less active children through new or additional Change4Life clubs.

● Run and enter range of sport competitions, increasing pupils’ participation in the School Games and other competitions.

● Purchase and maintain equipment to maximise the opportunity and progression of our students in PE and sport.

● Offer the opportunity for all pupils to access a wide range of after school sports clubs and holiday clubs.

● Promote and support health and wellbeing to our pupils, engaging their families and the wider community.

● Strengthen our relationships with sporting organisations building club links as a gateway for pupils to continue participation beyond the schools provision.

● Partake in CPD to continuously develop our staff’s skills and knowledge ensuring we are delivering best practice.

● Raise the profile of our sports through celebratory assemblies, blogging and social media activity.

● Have a wider impact on other subjects supporting the schools ethos and contributing towards whole school improvement.

How have we used the Sports Premium Grant?

Over the last five academic years, the Sports Premium Grant has enabled us to develop our sports provision in a number of ways. This is what we have achieved so far:

1. We have delivered CPD to all staff to help build their confidence with teaching PE and delivered team teach sessions with all NQT’s this will continue annually.

2. We have delivered training sessions to the lunchtime supervisors enabling them to deliver engaging lunchtime provision program, we have also invested in new equipment to promote more active lunchtimes.

3. We have designed an extracurricular program offering a variety of clubs to help cater for the individual needs of our pupils, the student council completed a survey to identify what sports clubs our pupils wanted. We have made links with the Change 4 Life (C4L) programme to help educate families in our local community about sports and living a healthy lifestyle. The school has generated great interest in the sports clubs that are on offer which sees the number of applicants rise each year.

4. We run an established intra school competition system during lunchtime in KS2 which is also very popular with the pupils and has provided leadership opportunities to some of our pupils.

5. Our pupils receive specialised coaching sessions preparing them for upcoming sports fixtures which have had a huge impact on our sporting success.

6. We have improved our playgrounds by investing in a new state of the art MUGA, purchasing outdoor table tennis tables, investing in an outdoor gym and buying new dynamic equipment, which will further engage pupils in more active play.

7. We have increased the participation in inter school sport competitions by taking numerous teams to each sporting event maximising opportunities for our pupils to take part.

8. We have offered broad opportunities for new sports such as Kickboxing and Ballet which were ran by external agencies and taken children to spectate some professional sporting events.

9. We have trained a team of young leaders to deliver fun active games during lunchtimes.

What have we planned for 2020 / 2021

We are committed to ensuring that all our pupils have the opportunity to develop skills and fitness in both competitive and non-competitive sports as well as increase knowledge of health and wellbeing. To achieve this goal over the next two years, we will continue to:

Ensure that children have a minimum of 2 hours of high quality physical activity a week through PE lessons and extra-curricular opportunities.

1. Continue with the training and support to the class teachers in all aspects of PE as well as using PE to have a wider impact on whole school improvement with new initiatives such as our Media team and sports council.

2. Continue to support and engage less active children through C4L clubs offering more pupils more opportunities to be active with the addition of a KS1 club and also delivering C4L clubs during breakfast and lunch time clubs.

3. Continue to run and enter a range of sporting competitions, increasing pupils’ participation in the School Games as well as identifying nurturing and developing talent.

4. Purchase new and maintain current equipment to maximise the opportunity and progression of our students in PE and sport enabling us to offer a wider range of sports with age appropriate specialist equipment.

5. Continue to offer all pupils the opportunity to access a wide range of after- school sports clubs with the addition of self-defence and dance classes as well as developing out Play Leader program.

6. Promote and support health and wellbeing to our pupils and the wider community, creating a greater awareness of factors that undermine our pupils’ health.

7. We aim to support parents with healthier lifestyles by implementing various strategies which include publishing documents on our website, offering opportunities to participate in exercise during school hours, by beginning a healthy cooking club with the aid of the kitchen staff and by running parent workshops to highlight how a healthier lifestyle can be achieved.

8. Continue to strengthen our relationships with sporting organisations such as local sports clubs and other schools.

9. Collaborate with our partnership school, Percy Shurmer Academy, to facilitate inter-competitive sports and provide extra opportunities for participation through holiday clubs.

10. Increase our leadership opportunities creating a system where younger pupils are trained by older pupils to become young leaders, ultimately promoting and increasing sports participation.

11. We have achieved the School Games Gold Kitemark for 5 years consecutively, this year we aim to achieve platinum and continue to improve our sporting reputation.

12. Implement additional exercise sessions to our timetable including the Monty Mile and fitness sessions to make up for the lost time during lock downs due to COVID 19.

SPG Report 21-22.docx
Copy of SPG Report 20 21.docx

Sports Premium Expenditure Archive

Sport premium plan Report 19-20


SPG report 18-19 end of year


Sports Premium Expenditure 2017 - 2018.pdf


Sports Premium Expenditure 2016 - 2017.pdf


Sports Premium Expenditure 2015 - 2016.pdf


Sports Premium Expenditure 2014 - 2015.pdf
