
I don’t know if you have any understanding of the impact you have had on the children and staff across these schools. It is huge and will be long lasting.

Thank you for all the support and guidance.

- Mrs Kelly Stokes, Primary Lead of Sapientia Education Trust

I just wanted to write on behalf of all the Essex headteachers who visited your school today what an amazing day we had. I began my time as a teacher in Birmingham (so I know the many challenges you face) and it brought back many happy memories to be back today. You are all doing such a marvellous job.

It was simply the best professional development day I have ever had. I cannot believe how well you tailored the day to our specific requirements and everyone who presented was so inspiring and knowledgeable. Our professional development days with the Essex writing project have been great but nothing beats talking to people doing it in a real setting knowing exactly what the challenges are and the next steps in the journey. It was such a pleasure to be in your school  and we have all come out absolutely buzzing with where our Talk for Writing journey will take us next. Please pass on all our thanks to everyone involved – you thought of everything to make us welcome from the lovely lady on reception to the wonderful lunch and refreshments. It is hard to believe that a school would also have so many staff who are not only fantastic teachers but also superb facilitators.

Many, many thanks! 

- Julie Puxley, Headteacher, Katherine Semar School, Essex. 

As a school that was in special measures, the approach of Talk for Writing and the support to embed it across the school has had a significant impact on our school's improvement journey. Working with Montgomery has enabled our staff to see this approach in action and the significant impact that it has had on writing there.  This in turn has impacted significantly on our writing this year across the school, and in particular boys’ writing has seen a significant improvement.  The days attended at Montgomery have inspired staff to drive through the changes here, thank you.

- Karen Horne, Principal, Mansfield Green EAct Academy.

A significant proportion of pupils, approximately one third, have made outstanding progress, particularly in writing, having caught up on previously lost ground. This includes pupils who joined the school in the early stages of learning English as an additional language. Middle leaders effectively manage subjects in curriculum teams, as reflected in the ‘Talk for Writing’ project that has resulted in a significant improvement to standards in pupils’ writing across the school. 

- Ofsted, 2014

Just wanted to say a big thank you to you and your amazing staff today. The feedback from the Coventry Heads and teachers was very positive with many photos taken and ideas magpied! Staff at our school were particularly impressed with your Nursery and Reception. It resonated with our ethos and philosophy. 

- Dean Thompson, Talk for Writing Primary Expert and Consultant