Internet Safety

At Montgomery Primary Academy we as a school community value the importance of keeping children safe online. We value that using the Internet is a good thing and therefore work on a philosophy of equipping our pupils with the tools to stay safe online. Our pupils, parents and staff are actively engaged in dialogue around change, thus @ Monty E-Safety acts as stimulus in bringing people together. Our pupils are change agents – working in partnership with our pupils supports us to explore new possibilities with technology and the associated risks. We endeavour to allow teaching and non - teaching staff to reflect on their roles to ensure that they provide learning materials that are relevant to the digital world that learners inhabit today. #@Monty – Evolve with us!

Parent Information on - EYFS - Key Stage 1 - Key Stage 2

At Monty we are SMART!

S – Keep Safe

Don't give out your personal information.

Keep your full name, address, mobile number, email address, school name and friends' full names secret. Otherwise people can use this information to contact you.

M – Don’t meet up

Never meet up with an online friend.

Never arrange to meet an online friend; no matter how well you think you know the other person or however curious you may be.

If you’re determined to meet an online friend you should always tell a parent or teacher and make sure they go with you.

A – Accepting Emails can be dangerous

Don't open junk mail.

If they have your email address some websites will send you lots of junk emails trying to sell you things, or messages that make you feel uncomfortable. This is called spamming.

Delete any emails from people or companies that you don’t know. If you open an email that says rude or unpleasant things, you must tell a trusted adult straightaway - and don’t reply to it.

R – Reliable

Beware: people might not be who they say they are.

Chats and message boards are fun, but they can also be dangerous because you don’t know who you’re talking to. Remember stranger danger - you should use the same rules when you’re online.

If you’re determined to meet an online friend you should always tell a parent or teacher and make sure they go with you.

T – Tell Someone

Always tell an adult if you feel uncomfortable or worried.

Some message boards and chat rooms have an 'alert button' or an email address where you can tell the 'host' (who runs the board) that you’re upset about something or someone. Don’t forget you can always log-off and leave the website.

See It Report It

The glorification of violence and extremism is spreading on social media. It poisons minds and costs lives. You can stop it in its tracks. Now is the time to act. Now is the time to See it, Report it.

If you do find anything online on social media, this site give you tips on how to report the post and make the Internet a safer place for everyone.

Please find below some useful websites for further information:

If you have any concerns, you can use CEOP reporting tool:

Please find information below on e-safety.

Social Media Warning Letter For Parents.pdf
E-Safety Information.pdf