3 Early Empires 500 B.C.E. to 500 C.E.

Early Empires Unit Summary

500 B.C.E – 500 C.E. is frequently referred to as the period of "early empires" of world history, a term that highlights enduring traditions that have lasted into modern times and persist still in the twenty-first century. Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Christianity all took shape during this era of early empires, and all of them remain very much alive at the dawn of the third millennium C.E. Strong Political systems and social structures developed during this time. This time period highlights the rise of the individual and the foundation of current identities of entire countries and regions.

Enduring Understandings

      • Recognize the values and ideologies of a group of people.

      • The impact of early empires on the modern world.

      • Understanding individuals and conditions can have a critical impact on events.

      • Recognize the unique features of the early empires.

Essential Questions

      • To what extent do societies today reflect enduring traditions from early empires?

      • What can we learn from the rise and fall of empires?

      • To what extent is history determined by individuals as opposed to circumstance?

      • To what extent does an empire need to conquer to flourish?

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