3rd Grade

We meet bi-week for 40 minutes 

Who We Are

Central IDEA

Environment and traits determine structure.

We learn how music needs to follow patterns and we create rhythm patterns using instruments.


* The influences affecting structure 

* The similarities and differences of traits across species 


-Rhythmical: Hier mein Rhythmus

-clapping rhythm patterns

-Moving rocks to the beat of 4

-Creating sound patterns with different rhythmic instruments (groups)

-Instrument Memory (pantomime)

-Rhythmical: Endlich Sommer

Where we are in place and time

Central IDEA

Societies are influenced by multiple factors.

We recognize the differences of our traditions and other cultures and of different times.


* similarities and differences in the systems and structures of past and present societies 

* reasons present day societies recognize and preserve indigenous cultures 


- Mango und Eisbein 

- Ureinwohner Lied

- Alle Kinder dieser   Welt

-Demonstrating and exploring different kinds of drums/rhythm patterns

How we express ourselves

Central IDEA

Humans express who they are through the things they do and say.

We sing about different traits and how we approach others.


* inferring character traits through dialogue, action, and songs. 

* how and why humans change 


-Bunter Regenbogenfisch

- Ich bin anders

- Von Mensch zu Mensch

-Rhythmical "Wir sind müde"

How the world works

Central IDEA

Climate and natural hazards inform human choices.

We sing songs about different types of weather and we create weather situations with different rhythm instruments.


* climate and natural hazards as forms of weather

* the impact of natural hazards on the environment

* how recorded patterns shape predictions and actions


-Song: Das Wetter

-Song: Nebelschwaden

-Creating weather situations with different rhythm instruments (groups)

-Boom whacker games (chords, melody, rhythm)

-Creating sound patterns in groups

Sharing the planet

Central IDEA

Human choices and actions affect our environment.

We learn songs about clean water and where we can collect trash/what kind of trash.


*causes and effects of pollution 

*our responsibility toward the environment 



-Kettenspiel: Ich werfe in den Mülleimer 

-Sauber soll das Wasser sein 

-Mein Freund der Baum

How we organize ourselves

Central IDEA

Societies connect to their communities and countries in different ways.

We learn of different landmarks in Germany (Berliner Mauer) and we sing traditional songs valuable to the community of this country. 

We write our own “Toleranz Lied”.


* the purpose of connecting people 

* how we can value different traits/believes 


-Ich bin anders

-Rhythmical "Mach mal Pause"

-Deutsche Bundeshymne

- Alle Kinder dieser Welt

-Writing our own IB song using different attributes