Band Boosters

Please note that any and all donations to the band boosters are greatly appreciated and welcomed as well. If you have anything that you believe could be of benefit to the students, please let us know so that we can provide a safe, welcoming, and fun environment for them.

If you have any questions or are in need of contacting the band boosters please contact us through our REMIND

Melissa Cadena- President 

Vice President- Liana Garcia

Secretary- Diana Cabrera 

Treasurer- Fidel Ramirez

Join the band booster Remind group by texting "adbbooster" to the phone number 81010

The over all goal for the band boosters is to assist the band in anyway possible. The students deserve the upmost quality education and experience during their band years. This organization would like to ensure that the group is good hands and will do what it takes to get the students the help they need and when they need it, when ever it may be.