
The Megalodon shark is an extinct megatoothed shark that existed in prehistoric times, from the Oligocene to the Pleistocene Epochs.

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Informational Writing - Expert Books

Informational writing conveys information about something and includes facts. Students will write a book about something you are already an expert on.

I can use a tree map to improve my writing.

By... organizing it into main idea and details and using it to write informational text.

I can use the moldy bread sandwich to improve my writing.

By.... including an introduction, meaty body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

I can write a meaty body paragraph.

By.... Writing a topic sentence with 3 important details to support the maid idea.

Responding to Literature

A form of writing in which the reader examines story elements and makes a claim about theme, plot, characters, or other aspects of a story.