Pre-authorized Treatments

ICBC Pre-authorized Acupuncture Treatments


If you have a motor vehicle accident after Apr. 1st, 2019 and seeking for ICBC pre-authorized acupuncture treatments (the treatments) in Acu-Bridge Clinic (the clinic), please read the following:

1. According to the ICBC regulation, the treatments are 12 sessions in total, and must be processed within 12 weeks since the motor vehicle accident (MVA) happened. If more sessions are needed or the 12 sessions is not finished during the first 12 weeks, authorization for ICBC paid treatments will be required.

2. Acu-Bridge Clinic is glad to help the MVA victim (the patient) to recover, at mean while the clinic strongly suggests the patient to see a general physician or ER doctor within 24 hours after the MVA. You don’t need to report ICBC before doing so. And It is important for you to have an official medical record as soon as possible.

3. The MVA victim should apply a “claim number” for the accident from ICBC, and then come for the treatments. Acu-Bridge Clinic reserves the right to charge any ICBC denied sessions, or stop the treatment course for any untrue claim.

4. Acceptation of the treatments from Acu-Bridge Clinic means the patient willingly to submit a complete and truthful information of the MVA and the consequent medical conditions. The clinic’s responsibility is to accordingly record the information, but not to the assessment of compensation.

5. While having acupuncture treatments at Acu-Bridge Clinic, the victim may take other ICBC pre-authorized therapies as well, such as physio, chiro, etc. It is suggested to share necessary information like the type and frequency of the therapies with Acu-Bridge Clinic, so the doctor of the clinic may adjust intensity and frequency of acupuncture treatments. Since Acu-Bridge Clinic has its own special acupuncture treatment procedure on MVA injuries, it is not suggested to have acupuncture treatments at same time period from different places.

6. The first session of acupuncture treatment will take about 60 minutes, and the following sessions will be 50 minutes each. ICBC will pay $108 for the first session only once, and $91 for the following session. This rate is slightly higher than the current rates in the clinic, it is due to extra paper works and fee claim. For those who had the first acupuncture session from other place, Acu-Bridge Clinic may charge a certain amount of assessment fee from the patient.

7. According to the provincial acts and ICBC regulations, Once the MVA victim accepted the preauthorized treatment(s) by ICBC, ICBC may require all of the associated clinical records and reports even without the patient’s consent.


1. 据ICBC规定,无需批准(Pre-authorized treatments)的针灸治疗共计12次,需在车祸发生后12周内完成,超过期限或治疗次数则需经ICBC批准方可展开后续治疗;

2. 伤者需在第一次就诊前向ICBC申报车祸并携带该次车祸的申报号(CLAIM NUMBER)前来就诊,经本诊所确认后则无需缴纳任何费用(如遇申报不实或ICBC拒付,诊所保留追缴治疗费用及停止后续治疗的权力);

3. 建议伤者在必要时于车祸后24小时内前往家庭医生或急诊获得初步西医诊断及病情记录,以利日后与ICBC商讨受伤性质时作为证据之一;

4. 伤者接受本诊所的治疗即说明愿意提供全面、真实的受伤与就诊状况,本诊所仅对伤者的口述及医师的临床所见作真实记录,并不涉及也不负责最后相关赔偿的评估;

5. 在本诊所接受针灸治疗的同时,伤者可以同时享受ICBC给付的其它治疗,如物理治疗、整脊、注册按摩治疗等,但需向本诊所申明治疗项目及就诊频度,以便本诊所就治疗强度等方面作相应评估和调整。因为本诊所对损伤采用一套独特评估与治疗体系,所以如非特殊需要,不建议伤者在本诊所接受针灸治疗的同时进行其它针灸治疗;

6. 首次评估加治疗需时约60分钟,后续治疗50分钟/次。ICBC的给付标准为首诊$108后续$91/次。此费用略高于本诊所目前的普通针灸收费,这是因为需要大量相关病历整理及申请工作。因为ICBC仅支付一次首诊费用,凡在其它针灸师处完成首诊治疗者,本诊所可能视具体情况加收初诊评估费。

7. 依据本省相关法律及ICBC 规定,伤者接受由ICBC支付的治疗,ICBC有权要求治疗师提供的相关治疗记录及报告
