Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does the AIG program serve all students?

A: Students in K-5 are served through their classroom teachers with support from the AIG specialist. The AIG specialist also serves all k-5 students directly. This may be through weekly whole class instruction, flexible small groups, flexible scheduling for grade level project support and/or co-teaching. The AIG specialist also teaches students enrolled in the AIG program. Students may attend advanced math, advanced reading and/or enrichment study group. The AIG specialist also supports teachers and students via the PLC model.

Q: When are students identified for gifted services?

A: Students may be identified at any time; however, we do a universal screening using the CogAT in third (October) and sixth (September) grades.

Q: What is the CogAT?

A: The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is used to appraise the cognitive development of students. The test measures students’ learned reasoning abilities. The questions on the CogAT require students to demonstrate their reasoning abilities in each of the following areas:

  • Verbal: assesses a student’s abilities to use search, retrieval, and comparison processes.
  • Quantitative: assesses a student’s abilities to reason about patterns and relations using concepts that are essential in quantitative thinking.
  • Nonverbal: assesses a student’s abilities to reason with somewhat more novel questions that use spatial and figural content.

Q: What other measures are used in identification?

A: We utilize achievement data such as mClass, EOG, and the Iowa Assessment. In some cases we also use behavior rating scales, observation data, and performance tasks.

Q: How does a student qualify for advanced reading, advanced math, and/or enrichment study group?

A: Pathway 1: Advanced aptitude at or above 96th percentile on a nationally-normed aptitude assessment. Pathway 2: At least one advanced aptitude and one advanced achievement score at or above 90th percentile in corresponding areas* within a 2-year window. *CogAT Verbal corresponds with Reading Achievement. *CogAT Quantitative and Non Verbal corresponds with Math Achievement. Pathway 3: Demonstration of a pattern of advanced achievement at or above 96th percentile on at least two same-content assessments within a 2-year window. Pathway 4: Demonstration of achievement through multiple criteria, including a performance task. Pathway begins with a referral.

Q: How does the 2019-2020 AIG Plan address equity?


  • Universal Screening of students (not once but twice).
  • The first Universal Screening with the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) shifted from third grade to second grade.
  • Multiple Criteria/Multiple Pathways for students to be identified.
  • Pathway Four has been developed to increase identification of underrepresented populations.
  • Using the Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students (Renzulli Scales).
  • The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) includes a nonverbal portion.
  • We utilize each portion of the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT), as well as, the composite scores.
  • A systematic plan is in place to make sure that students are pre-exposed to the underlying skills needed to be prepared to perform well on the CogAT.
  • After the administration of both aptitude (CogAT) and achievement (state assessments) tests, the AIG Service Committee at each school screens the top ten percent of students in each school’s subgroups. These students are then considered for Pathway Four.
  • The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is available with directions in English and Spanish.
  • All AIG documents are available in both English and Spanish. If other languages are needed, there is a good faith effort made to get these translated, also.
  • Each year teachers in each school receive professional development on what gifted characteristics may look like in some members of under served populations.
  • The K-2 nurturing program includes whole class enrichment lessons by AIG Specialists working with all learners.
  • Whole class enrichment by AIG Specialists also happens beyond K-2 as is feasible.