Drawdown Eco-Challenge

Choose better wood products...

... by buying wood certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).

Click here to find out what certified wood means for our planet's forests (environment), our society, and our economy*.

*Environment, Society, and Economy are the triple bottom line.

Are you eating foods that destruct the planet's rainforests?

Click here to find the "BIG 4" foods that lead to rainforest destruction.

Questions to consider:

  1. What foods to you eat that are problematic?
  2. Are you willing to adjust your diet to decrease your environmental impact? If so, how?

Remember, some action is better than none at all!

How can I support indigenous people's land management?

The Nature Conservancy is an awesome organization that works with local, indigenous people to protect the land they depend on for their livelihood. Take some time to look into this organization, their work, and it's impact on our planet and people's lives. It'll make you feel good!