Drawdown Eco-challenge

Vision: To have every Environmental Science student on campus identify, communicate, and practice concrete actions that reverse climate change.

Welcome to the

Asheville High School drawdown Eco-Challenge!

Click here to create an account using your school gmail account.

Helpful information:

    • This site has a page for every category with resources to make learning and doing easier for you!
    • To see what challenges require specific actions (like research, money, volunteering, daily action), check out this spreadsheet. Each tab has a different challenge category.

Actions for Environmental Science students:

  1. Recruit five other people who aren't AHS environmental science students to create profiles with the Asheville High School Team. Feel free to edit and use this form letter for your recruitment. Encourage them to take action with you!
  2. To create shareable products that summarizes their actions and/or the information that they learned about at least three different solutions. Products include, but aren't limited to: infographics, social media accounts, and PSA videos.

We are @AHSsolarCougars on Instagram & Twitter

Use #AHSdrawdownECOchallenge and #DrawdownEcoChallenge