Wireless Printing

Printer Installation 

Step 1: Download and Install the Mobility Print App

Step 2: Restart your Device

Step 3:  Open the Document you would like to Print and Select "Print"

Step 4: In the printer dialog box, change "Destinations" to Library BW (for black and white) or Library Colour

Step 5: Enter your School email address as the username (including @acrss.ca) and your school password.


The document sent, but nothing came out...

A. Do you have enough printer credits? 


B. Did you enter your School Email address as your username (with @acrss.ca)? 


C. Is your Laptop Connected to the School's Wifi?


D. If none of these solutions worked, speak with the Librarian. 

The Printer cut off the sides of the Document! What do I do?

Step 1: In the Printer Dialog Box, Select "More Settings"  (see image below)

Step 2: Change the Paper Size to "Letter"