The Classroom

A Day in the isaep classroom

Classes are taught during the regular school day at the Appomattox Alternative Education Center, located at 131 Price Lane in downtown Appomattox.

  • 1st-2nd Blocks: GED lessons are provided during the morning blocks of instruction (8:30-11:30). Appomattox High School lunch is available for purchase (lunch orders are submitted upon student arrival in the morning).

  • Lunch: Students eat lunch from 11:35-12:00.

  • 3rd Block: ISAEP students complete their Economics coursework during 3rd block (if they have not already passed an economics class prior to enrolling in ISAEP). If they have completed their economics course, ISAEP students use 3rd block to work toward and finish their CTE credential.

  • 4th Block: ISAEP students complete their CTE credential during 4th block. If they have earned their CTE credential and completed economics, students can use this block as a study hall to review GED material, make up missed assignments, or can take an early release.

GED Coursework

During their GED instruction, students will receive assignments through Google Classroom. In addition to lectures, students will complete other activities in class, including Nearpod virtual assignments. Videos explaining the Google Classroom and Nearpod are available for review below.

YouTube tutorial on using Google Classroom. YouTube Tutorial for students new to Nearpod.

Appomattox Alternative Education Center (aaec) Location