College Rep Visits

College Visits at the High School provide a personal touch that may not be available in a school’s literature. Students learn about the school’s admission process, deadlines, campus life, housing, majors available, scholarships and more. This is a valuable opportunity to ask questions and in many cases, personally meet the “first reader” of a college application.

The vast majority of the college visits are from September through November. Each fall approximately 50 colleges conduct information sessions during lunch in the College and Career Resource Center. Check back regularly for any calendar updates.

College Visit Policy

  1. All students who are planning to attend a College Representative Visit MUST to sign up in through Naviance.

  2. Only juniors and seniors may miss class to attend a college visit.

  3. If a student signs up for a virtual college visit on their in-person instructional day, they will be permitted to access the session virtually while still in the classroom. Students will be instructed to bring headphones and tune in quietly while class continues. Teachers will be notified in advance

  4. Students will be responsible for any assignments that are missed.

Virtual College Representative Visits 2020- How to Sign up


ACIT is pleased to welcome many representatives to our campus each year.

To request to visit Atlantic County Institute of Technology, please contact Jordan Exadaktilos in the College and Career Resource Center.