Primary Sources

Primary Sources

Primary Sources are the actual words of the people who were there, participating in -- or witnessing -- the history as it happened. What they saw. What they did. What they thought about what they saw and did. They also include big, important documents, such as the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. Some of the documents posted here are abridged versions, which means that I have shortened them from the original in order to highlight what I consider to be the most important parts of each document.

The Presidential Thanksgiving Day Proclamations appear at the bottom of the page.

All the rest of these documents are listed in chronological order, based on their publication date (let me know if you spot one that is out of order).

Magna Carta -- Full Text.pdf
Mayflower Compact.pdf
Declaration of the Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms -- Full Text.pdf
Declaration of Independence -- Full Text.pdf
Articles of Confederation -- Full Text.pdf
Northwest Ordinance of 1787 -- Full Text.pdf
Benjamin Franklin -- Address on Prayer at the Consitutional Convention in 1787.pdf
Benjamin Franklin -- Closing Speech on the Constitutional -- September 17, 1787.pdf
US Constitution -- Full Text.pdf
US Constitution -- Bill of Rights -- Full Text.pdf
US Constitution -- Amendments 11-27 -- Full Text.pdf
Toasts raised at the banquet to honor Lewis and Clark -- Sep 25, 1806.pdf
Lincoln’s Lyceum Address
Lincoln's First Inaugural Address -- Full Text.pdf
Emancipation Proclamation.pdf
Gettysburg Address.pdf
Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address.pdf
Lee's Farewell Letter.pdf
Presidential Proclamation #1 - Thanksgiving Day - 1789
Presidential Proclamation #1 -- Abridged Text
Presidential Proclamation #2 - Thanksgiving Day - 2016
Presidential Proclamation #2 -- Abridged Text
Presidential Proclamation #3 - Thanksgiving Day - 2017
Presidential Proclamation #3 -- Abridged Text