Welcome to SY 2021-2022

August 18: Kindergarten and high school freshman orientation

August 19: School begins for all scholars

Beginning in the first quarter of the 2021-2022 school year, all scholars and staff will participate in collective learning. An ISBE (Illinois State Board of Education) resolution requires a return to full in-person learning for the 2021-22 school year. Exceptions are allowed for the most medically fragile scholars and those required to quarantine.

Subsequently, all Acero buildings will implement universal masking. Social distancing will be practiced whenever possible. While there are situations where being adequately socially distant is not always possible, universal masking continues to be mandatory.

Acero's scholars continue to shine both academically and by demonstrating strong social and emotional skills and learning.

We continue to follow our Student Code of Conduct for the 2021-2022 school year.

Similar to our scholars, all teachers, staff, and faculty may interact/teach across all spaces alongside. To ensure the health and safety of our scholars and staff, all Acero Schools' teachers have updated their shared schedules in order to accurately identify where staff support is each day should contact tracing be needed.

Acero begins this school year with the following support in addition to our outstanding educators and administrators.

  • Social worker at every campus and supplemental social work graduate scholar supports

  • Academic interventionist at every campus

  • Care Rooms and attendants at every campus. This team includes professional nurses.

  • 2-3 long-term substitute guest teachers to even further support our school colleagues and scholars at every campus

Frequently Asked Questions

What will my scholar's classroom set up look like?

Classroom furniture will return to its pre-pandemic setup with the exception of personal furniture. We will be maximizing space to allow for three (3) feet of social distancing when possible.

Principals are diligently working with their building managers to plan the cleaning and returning of all school-based furniture to its specific location.

Where will my scholar store their items when learning at school?

Schools have two options for storing their scholars' belongings:

  1. Store all materials under each individual student’s desk/chair.

  2. Use cubbies or lockers. If choosing this option, schools will stagger the number of scholars accessing lockers/cubbies at any given time to prevent overcrowding in a small area, whenever possible.

Your specific school will send you more information on this matter.

Will my scholar have recess?

Recess is mandatory for all scholars Kinder-5th grade and strongly encouraged for 6-8th grade. Recess time should be reflected in teacher schedules/master schedules.

Recess can and should happen outdoors, weather permitting. Even when outside, students should wear a mask.

Students must wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before and after participating in recess. As the schedule allows, recess times will be stagger so as not to over-crowd the recess area.

Playground usage may resume as it did before COVID-19.

Will my scholar continue to participate in standardized testing?

Acero will comply with all standardized testing requirements.

What will gym class look like?

As space and weather allow, schools should use outdoor areas for any classes that require movement and increased voice projection. Schools must work to space scholars as much as possible during these classes.

P.E. and/or dance instruction should focus on lessons where scholars do not need to come in contact with each other.

Scholars should wash hands or sanitize before and after participating in P.E. classes or any classes with shared materials.

What technology will be available to my scholar at their school?

Acero Schools is proud to be a 1:1 school, meaning each scholar is provided with a learning device for the entirety of the school year.

To protect your scholar and the device, each Chromebook must be labeled with the scholar’s name and cannot be shared with others. All scholars that attend in-person school must travel with their Chromebooks and chargers in their backpacks.

Along with Chromebooks, each scholar's in-school learning environment will be enhanced with cameras and monitors used by their instructor(s).

Will my scholar's school have air purifiers?

Acero Schools maintains HEPA Air Purifiers in all offices and classrooms occupied by two (2) or more staff or scholars and maintains the air quality standards identified by professional third-party air quality specialists.

Acero also continues to provide portable indoor air quality monitors at each school.

Are masks required at every Acero school?

All persons entering an Acero school building or on school grounds must be masked, covering both their nose and mouth. Masks must be worn except for when eating or drinking.

All Acero scholars and staff will be provided two complimentary cloth masks. PPE (personal protective equipment), like disposable masks and gloves, is available for staff of scholars when necessary.

What should my scholar do if he/she/they come in contact with someone with COVID-19?

Anyone who is experiencing at least one symptom or has tested positive for COVID-19 must stay home.

Anyone who is not vaccinated and has traveled internationally or has traveled domestically to orange states must quarantine for 5 days.

Vaccinated individuals who have had close contact with a positive case or traveled do not need to quarantine unless they are experiencing at least one symptom or has tested positive.