Teaching The Next Gen Webinar Series

In collaboration with Royal Society of Chemistry, a webinar series of 12 episodes is launched from September 12. The webinar is live-streamed every Saturday from 4 pm to 5 pm. These webinars are focused on digital pedagogies and their applicability in digital classrooms. This webinar series brings together Experts all over the globe addressing topics on learners' psychology, student engagement, assessment techniques, simulation-based learning, taxonomies for digital learning, etc.

List of Webinars on YouTube:

Webinar 1: What works best in science teaching?

Webinar 2: 4C - Psychology for Effective Teaching

Webinar 3: Feeling and Thinking in Digital learning

Webinar 4: Reflective Practices in Teaching

Webinar 5: You say 'Inquiry', I say 'What?'

Webinar 6: Using Computational Models to Teach Scientific Inquiry

Webinar 7: Putting Learners in the Driving Seat

Webinar 8: Making and Storytelling: The Secret-sauce of Future-proof learning

Webinar 9: Moving Towards More Active Learning