The Next Gen Science Camp Series:
Every Sunday at 11 am the SAC team conducts science activity demonstrations, titled ‘Next-Gen Science Camps: Exploring Fun Activities at your Doorstep, with Hands-on Science and Mathematics’. The series has been initiated by the Centre in June 2020 response to the current COVID-19 induced lockdown, where students and teachers are at home, and schools are either closed or beginning to operate online. The unique feature of these episodes is a Q&A session with a scientist.
Teaching The Next Gen Webinar Series:
In collaboration with Royal Society of Chemistry, a webinar series of 12 episodes is launched from September 12. The webinar is live-streamed every Saturday from 4 pm to 5 pm. These webinars are focused on digital pedagogies and their applicability in digital classrooms. This webinar series brings together Experts all over the globe addressing topics on learners' psychology, student engagement, assessment techniques, simulation-based learning, taxonomies for digital learning, etc.
मैत्री करुया विज्ञान - गणिताशी (Let's make friends with Science and Maths):
In collaboration with Maharashtra State Council of Education Research and Training (MSCERT), 10 episode series is hosted online for school teachers of Maharashtra. This workshop series intends to make classes interactive and engaging through the hands-on model. The objective of this program is to make teaching interactive, engaging, conceptual-based and preparing the skilled teachers for Science and Mathematics.
30-30 STEM:
Centre for Creative Learning at IIT Gandhinagar, in collaboration with IISER Pune and CBSE, has launched 30-30 STEM workshop in line with New Education Policy for the teachers. The 30 week program is focused on basic conceptual understanding and critical thinking of Mathematics and Science. The sessions are telecasted live on YouTube every Sunday from 4 pm to 5 pm.