Q. There are so many statistical textbooks, YouTube videos and online courses available. Why should I enroll for this course?

The major features of this course are:

Q. If the syllabus is so vast, then can it be finished within the given time-frame over two weekends?

Yes, we have done so seven times in the past, with great success (average rating: 4.87/5.0 in the last edition). As stated already, the focus is on understanding the concepts rather than the mathematics behind the various tests.  Also, we aim to use software for various tests, rather than analyzing data by hand. Taken together, these two aspects save a lot of time, compared to traditional modes of instruction in the subject. However, it will require a lot of  focus on the part of the participants as the teaching will be intense!

Q. What are the prerequisites for this course?

The course is not going to be heavy on mathematics. So knowledge of basic mathematics (Class X level) should be sufficient.

Q. Can everybody, who applies, attend the course?

Since this is an online course, we hope to be able to accommodate larger number of people than what we could do in our past offline editions. However, in case the number of applications are so large that it becomes difficult to manage the class, we reserve the right to stop the application process before the last date is over.

Q. I can attend the course only partially. Can I pay partial fees?

Sorry, the answer is no.

Q. I have paid the fees, but now it is not possible for me to attend due to <some reason>. Is a refund possible?

Sorry, after the payment of fees, it is not possible to provide a refund under any circumstances.

Q. I have paid the fees, but now it is not possible for me to attend due to <some reason>. Can my friend/someone else attend the course in place of me?

No, it is not a transferable offer. Therefore, once you have paid the registration fees, nobody can substitute you under any circumstances.

Q. Why is a Gmail ID required for registration?

All the course materials shall be provided on an access-controlled Google drive folder / Google website, for which it is essential to have a Gmail id. Also, Google makes it mandatory for the user to be logged into a Google account for uploading a file through a form. Since the payment receipt needs to be uploaded, the user needs to be logged into a Gmail account for the process.

Q. I do not have a personal laptop / desktop. Can I still attend the course?

We will have no objections to it. However, the course is intended to be a combination of both lectures and hands-on exercises. Therefore, you will benefit a lot more if you can solve the prescribed exercises on a computer, using various software that we will suggest.

Q. What will be the language of instruction?

The medium of instruction would be English.

Q. Why is <my favorite statistical test> not included in the course?

Biostatistics is a vast subject and there is absolutely no way to cover everything in such a short time. Therefore the course has been designed to cover some of the most often-used tests and concepts in univariate and multivariate statistics. Incidentally, the amount covered here is equivalent, or in many cases, greater, than many 1-semester courses on biostatistics in many Indian universities. People interested in taking the course are advised to go over the syllabus presented here in detail. In case you have any doubts about whether a particular test /concept will be covered or not, feel free to write to s.dey@iiserpune.ac.in for clarifications.

Q. I have my own data. Can you analyze it for me?

Sorry, no. The course is expected to enable you to analyze your own data. If you want a specific piece of data analyzed, please consult a professional statistician.

Q. Are you going to provide us with recordings of the course lectures?

The lectures are going to be "live" and we will provide you with the recordings in a "view-only" mode (i.e. not downloadable). These recordings will be available to the participants till 31-Oct-2024. We are also going to provide you with recorded tutorials on how to do the various tests using multiple software. Those recordings will be downloadable, meaning you can retain them after the course is over.

Q. Why don't you conduct the workshops offline?

Although these workshops started as offline affairs, after the pandemic, we have been conducting them online. This is primarily because offline workshops are not only more expensive for the participants, many find it difficult to manage the time to travel to Pune due to a host of other commitments. Being online also makes it easier for our international participants to attend these workshops. The availability of the videos ensures that people can go back and refer to the lectures multiple times. This helps those people who prefer to learn at their own pace. Taken together, currently, the online mode seems to be of greater value to greater number of people.

In case of any further queries, feel free to write to biostats@acads.iiserpune.ac.in