General Information

B. Everett Jordan Elementary

B. Everett Jordan Elementary is a K-5 public school located in the Saxapahaw Community near Graham, North Carolina. The building opened in 1972 and now serves approximately 360 students.

At BEJ, we understand that school is more than reading, writing, and mathematics, and we are committed to meeting every student's academic, social, and emotional needs. We believe that all students benefit from participating in activities that support communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity. Through the integration of academic subjects with the arts, engineering, and technology, we feel that we can prepare all of our students to thrive in the 21st Century.

Health and Immunization Information

Our district nurses have created a district kindergarten orientation video to help families better understand the district expectations surrounding kindergarten entry and health documentation. Please take a few minutes to take a look.

You can also check out the ABSS School Nurses' Website for additional information. You can find the link here.

2021-22 Kinder Orientation