
Extra Help:

Extra Help days:

***Note:  If you can not make a date, please talk to me to schedule another time!***

Helpful links:

Khan Academy      (Choose the Algebra section)

         Khan Academy is another good website if you are absent from class.  It contains   

         many short videos that coincide and covers most of the lessons that we do in class.

         It’s sounds simple.  But, if you type in “order of operations” , "kuta" & “pdf” you can find         

         many worksheets on line for free.  Type in “graph paper” to print some out.

Cool Math:

         Coolmath is a good website if you are absent from class. They have explanations for

         many of the topics that we cover in class.  They are only a few example problems 

         called “crunchers.”

Insider Mathematics:

       This website has some really good problems to prepare for the Common Core Math exams (MCAS) in May.

Math Games:

Hidato:  A fun game to try that you may not know!

Sudoku:  Fill in the missing numbers so each row, column, and 3 by 3 square has all 9 digits