Habit #7

Sharpen the Saw

Balance Feels Best

Skill: Teach your child and family that finding the right balance between work, school at home, and spending time together can be a great thing. 

Balance means to help one another learn, have fun, and work with others and value their strengths. We can also learn from many people and work together as a team! When we work together we can accomplish great things! 

When to use: Family Time/Meal Time 

Click on the picture to watch a video about Junk Food Jumper!

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Pick a favorite exercise, such as jumping jacks, sit ups, or jogging. Set the clock and do that exercise for 5 minutes a day. Journal your exercise each day for one week. 

Family Board Game Night: Pick one night out of the week and play board games with your family. Enjoy this time together! 

Click Here for the Google Form to fill out.