Acrostic Poems

Acrostics are poems that begin with a title. The use of each letter per line is so vital. Challenging writers to work at their best still, poems should be fun, more a pleasure than test. Rise to the challenge. Add an image or two; A red cackling bird or a boat gliding through. Ordinary words can be startling and crisp. Like red-yellow lightening or, a dog with a lisp. Start out each line with the title-name's letter. Rhyme the next line and the poem's even better. Triteness is boring, so try to dig deep. You don't want your reader to nod off and sleep. Inside are the answers to all of your Qs, So, start writing down all the don'ts and the do's. Crazy acrostics are one way to start. Writing good poems is both fun -- and an art!










Another simple form

Simply use the letters of the subject being explored as the opening letters of each successive line. so a poem examining people’s thinking about Community would have.

To write an acrostic poem necessitates that the group collaborate and agree what the lines are to be. It is not appropriate for collected individual response. It’s more suitable for use as part of more detailed later exploration of a topic and not as initial response. It needs participants to know and feel comfortable with each other.

Necessarily it’s less effective for capturing the complete range of individual views.

Beautiful sunny day with flowers coming from the grass around a tree

Summer An Acrostic Poem

Sunshine heating people and your dinner

Under the umbrellas keeping you dry

Meadows covered with wildflowers

Maypole dancing a village green

Evening sunshine makes a lovely sunset

Red roses and red tomatoes