Outdoor Learning

Woodside's wee forest

Aberdeen's first Wee Forest was planted on March 16th 2022 by pupils and staff of Woodside School and Aberdeen City Council Countryside Rangers. You can find it across Clifton Road from the school, a tiny forest amidst the granite buildings of the city. A huge variety of native trees, shrubs and flowering plants are found here, to be enjoyed by Woodside School, the wider community and anyone else who wants to visit. The Woodside Wee Forest is looked after by the pupils of the school, the Countryside Rangers, and a team of Tree Keepers, dedicated volunteers from across Aberdeen. 

Where did it all begin?

Grace Banks, our Outdoor specialist, supported us with the creating of our wee forest and has been able to see the development of our trees growing and the wildlife we can now see present here. Here is a video she has created of the beginning of our 'wee' forest.

Some of our learners putting the first trees down in the forest in 2022.

Nurture with grace

As part of our SIP, we are providing small nurture groups to children throughout our school which allows Grace to develop a strong relationship with these pupils and be there to support them. We collect the information for pupils through various surveys from SHINE to SHANARRI and can see there are pupils in our school that require this. Children lead the activity each week on their interests, from creating mud kitchens, helping to look after the trees in the forest and investigating the outdoors.