Mr Sangster - Active Schools Assistant

The aim of Active Schools Aberdeen City is to provide more and higher quality opportunities for young people to take part in sport and physical activities, and to develop effective pathways between school and sports clubs in the local community. Active Schools also support the provision of competitive school sport and sports participation opportunities.

Within St Machar Academy, the objectives of Active Schools are met through various programmes, such as:

Active Schools Assistant Programme

St Machar Academy has an on-site Active School Assistant (ASA) whose role includes working on a one-to-one and small group basis, using sport and physical activity as a tool improve health and wellbeing.

The ASA also supports elements of extra-curricular sport programme and provides mentoring and support for various pupil led bodies such as Young Ambassadors, Young Leaders and School based Active Girls Committee.

The programme adapts different approaches in order to provide effective support such as outreach work during the lockdown and targeted enhanced transition to cater for young people requiring support with learning, behaviour, mental health, body image, confidence and self-esteem.

Referral are identified and submitted by respective Guidance Teachers, who prioritise through equity, pupils who would most benefit from the programme. The Active Schools Assistant accepts referrals in consultation with the Guidance Teacher based on capacity.

Referrals by parents, carers or young people can be intimated through to the Guidance Teacher by email outlining the need.

Impact and progress are tracked through a "Young Person Plan" which outlines progress and expected outcomes.

Active Girls Committee

The Active Girls Committee is a city-wide group which has young female representation from all Aberdeen City secondary schools. The goal of the group is to improve girls’ participation in physical activities and their health and wellbeing. The school has two representatives: NAME and NAME who feedback to a school-based subcommittee that has members drawn from various year groups.

Sport and Wellbeing Council

The council consist of pupils who’s focus is to influence schools’ effective engagement in sports, physical activity and general health and wellbeing programmes. This also includes options available for St Machar Academy’s pupils and staff.

The group has been key in spearheading the Sport Award attainment initiatives. It also contributes in recognition of pupil achievement in sports, physical activity and health and wellbeing endeavours.

Active Schools Leadership Programme

The programme is designed to support pupils to develop their leadership skills and provide an introduction to coaching. The project combines sports qualifications or awards with practical coaching experience in the school, providing vital skills to help the participants flourish in more positive destinations, be it in further education and/or employment.

Young Ambassadors Programme

The programme in a Scottish nationwide programme, where two pupils from every secondary school are given the opportunity to develop themselves as leaders in sports. Our Young Ambassadors (YA) for this academic year are; NAME and NAME. They will be working to obtain ideas from other pupils and seek to develop and implement strategies to improve physical activity and health and wellbeing, whist working collaboratively with their mentor - The Active Schools Assistant.

NAME and NAME shall also be supporting extra-curricular sports provision, maximizing links to community sporting opportunity and as well as increase opportunities for competition.

Physical Education and Health & Wellbeing Extra-curricular Timetable

An updated Timetable is available on the “Extra-curricular Activities” notice board in the PE Department and pupil bulleting shared by your morning registration teacher.


Volunteer opportunities are wide ranging from; delivering extra-curricular sports sessions and helping to coordinate events, to supervising activities, supporting a lead coach or helping to take the registers. Our volunteer base is drawn from Young Leaders, Teachers, Parents/guardians and local partners.

Young people taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh, Saltire Awards and other related programmes are encouraged to get involved as time spent volunteering is recognised and the progress reports are completed accordingly.

A huge part of the workforce who help to achieve Active Schools objective are volunteers and we are always looking for new volunteers. Kindly reach out via the contact details provided below.

How to get involved

Location: Partnership Office / PE Department

Contact: 01224 492 855
